Sunday, November 23, 2008

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response of the Federal Government to the minor question on the implementation of the MoMiG

How here reported previously, there was an inquiry by the MPs Kerstin Andreae, Jerzy Montag, Birgitt Bender and other members of the Group and Bündnis 90/DIE Greens to implement the Act to Modernize the law and to combat abuses (MoMiG).

reason for this request were reports of trade associations, which from an uncertainty of those interested in starting a business company reported (limited). Major steps of implementation MoMiG towards creating the new society are still unclear.

The federal government here (BT-Drucks. 16/10739) has referred to the individual questions. As previously reported, there contrary to the request no uncertainty as to the issues raised by the entrepreneurial society. The UG is not a new independent legal status in Germany, but only a special variant of the Ltd. This has the response of the federal government once again clearly emphasized.

regard to the request again raised notary costs, I recommend the essay by:
Sikora / controller / Tiedtke: The effects of MoMiG to the notary fees, MittBayNot 2008, 437ff.
The authors explain with specific examples in detail the relevant constellation the entry into force of the MoMiG.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Random Funny Words In Spanish

Updated MoMiG

The insolvency law provides portal an updated synopsis for MoMiG available. Included is not only the GmbHG nF but especially the changes in the Insolvency Act (although it is still performed the old term indebtedness).


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Saturday, November 15, 2008

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Synopsis The new bankruptcy law: "Back to the Future?" Prof. Haas

Professor Haas has changed in the current issue State law (SR) of 07.11.2008, issue 11, pages 359-360 deals with the changes in the indebtedness of affairs by the Financial Markets Stabilization Act.
He illustrates the differences and similarities between the previous version of § 19 paragraph 2 of Insolvency Act and the "new" term indebtedness, which corresponds to the bankruptcy of the old order. In his opinion, he is then expressed critical of the length of the receiver circuit and the loss of the legislature has sought bankruptcy "objectification", which should avoid delaying the insolvency application scenarios based on hope now. He concluded that the new rule, therefore, to higher Securityholder lead cases and more cases of mass dismissals for lack of will.

A highly readable contribution to the criticism, given the still low insolvency rates and the high number of rejections for lack of assets (§ 26 Insolvency Act) is well understood. Taking into account also the so far limited importance of insolvency trigger offense of indebtedness to the insolvent, the further postponement of the onset of indebtedness by the new version from the perspective of creditor protection is dangerous.

finds the reasoning of the legislature here
( BT-pressure. 16/10600, p. 21) .
Excerpt: "The current Financial crisis has led to large falls in value especially in equities and real estate. This can be for companies that are particularly heavily affected by these losses, leading to an accounting insolvency. Can not these losses are offset by other assets, the institutions were committed to this company to provide, within three weeks of entering this calculated indebtedness for bankruptcy. This would apply even if it can be made for the company in itself a positive continuation forecast and the turnaround is already looming in a few months "

more comments.
also dealt Schmidt, DB, 2008, S. 2467ff. with the new version.

Friday, November 14, 2008

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New essays on MoMiG

The blog provides an ongoing list of current journal articles to MoMiG.

addition to the above articles, I recommend with regard to the former equity compensation law nor the recent article by:
  • Schmidt , use, leasing under the Reform of Company Law, DB, 2008, 1727ff; and
  • shepherd The new rules of law. the (previously: for capital) by the shareholder loans MoMiG, WM 2008, 1429ff.
not only from the perspective of capital replacement is pretty interesting:
  • Wedeking, The transitional provisions of the MoMiG - which must respect existing limited liability companies? GmbHR 2008, 1131ff.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

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Small request of Alliance 90/The Greens for the implementation of the law on MoMiG on the entrepreneurial society (UG)

is hardly MoMiG entered into force, already the first questions regarding the new entrepreneurial society are raised: The Alliance 90/The Greens is interested in a little request for the implementation of the Act to Modernize the law and to combat abuses (MoMiG) ( 16/10678) .

content, it goes to the following questions: first
As with implementation of the MoMiG clear whether the Founders can be an entrepreneurial company private persons, legal persons or both?
second What will determine whether the entrepreneurial society itself a shareholder in another company may be such as a basement or Co KG?
third What will be the advertised with the law model protocol for such a society and the working aids are provided in this context?
4th What costs are incurred in the application of entrepreneurial society with the help of the model protocol at the notary and these are cheaper than other business applications without standard record?
5th How will the requirement to specify the precise and how accurate it takes on the name listed in the Act Reference?
6th What, by when and by which agency should the effects of MoMiG
on business start-ups will be evaluated?
7th How is the possible transfer of a business carried mbH, a limited liability company on the Thesaurierungsvorschrift of profits to the achievement of the 25 000 € equity also going exactly?

Source: German Bundestag (hib-release) .

course is the reasoning of the Law Committee MoMiG to some of the issues already information: So be only mentioned that the model printed in Annex (Annex 1 to Article No. 50) specifically states that it is also about the founders a legal person can (Question 1). As for the basement with all standards of the GmbH law and German law, all except the special scheme of § 5a GmbHG apply (see scheme MoMiG, p. 31), the UG is to be a shareholder of other companies in terms of their ability, otherwise to assess than the GmbH. In the basement is not a new legal form but a sub-case of the GmbH (Question 2). With regard to the notary fee, I can here on these previously published entry point (question 4).