Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Destination Welcome Letter

Overview 1 years MoMiG

After a year there MoMiG Thomas Wachter legal status in a concise overview of some of the issues faced by the Court has already explained. In addition to the controversial issues in the field of the adopted in the new model protocol will be discussed at the shareholders' list (numbering, shape, signature, feature of the notary certificate) and the requirements for managing (Content of insurance companies with the company registration application, performance of order obstacles) as well as issues of domestic business address. An article worth reading in order to orient themselves in the already adopted law.

Source: SR (Issue 11) "1 year MoMiG - a success story?"

not addressed in the article, but also of great importance, are the new questions of interpretation in the context of § 64 GmbHG. These sets Ulrich Haas in the now published the first edition of 2010 GmbHR detail apart (p. 1-8). He discussed how the particular - affect the emergence of question time point, a claim under § 64 sentence 1 or Theorem 3 to the practice - controversial. When the implications of this matter in insolvency proceedings over the assets of foreign companies is to understand this distinction between the jurisdiction and the applicable law. Further addresses the controversial issues of the payment term and questioned the extent to which some remaining gaps by applying the Tort law suggest.

A great contribution to the difficult questions of § 64 GmbHG in its new form. Also in connection with the financing by shareholder loans takes this standard has a central role since it is different than the new version of § 30 para 1 GmbHG able payments to avoid to shareholders (§ 64 Clause 3 GmbHG) if that their loans receivable want to argue. The practical application of § 64 GmbHG is therefore important for the extent to which shareholders, despite the existence of a repayment claim outside of bankruptcy proceedings may not be satisfied.

Source: "Current Issues of liability crisis of the GmbH's managing director, according to § 64 GmbHG" in: GmbHR 2010, 1ff.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

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No progress towards a European Private Company (EPC)

The European Competitiveness is at its meeting on 3rd and reaches 12.04.2009 to the conclusion that the proposal for a Council Regulation on a Statute for a European private company again should be revised. In the English press release (via beck blog) on page 24 states:

"Since the unanimity needed for an agreement was not reached, the Council noted that furter work is required on the proposal Aimed at Establishing the legal form for the European private company (also called "Societas Privata Europaea" or "SPE"). "

was apparently no agreement on the issue of minimum capital and participation have been achieved. Thus, the introduction of this new society be further delayed.

Here found the message of the beck blog along with a clear presentation of the history of development.

An interesting article on the EPG is also found in the new issue of congestion right of RA Dr. Wilhelm Niemeier that deals with the question: " failed again: that the European Private company to be repositioned? "

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strong popularity of the new entrepreneurial society (UG)

After the English private company limited by shares in the competition between societies was perceived for a long time as the principal competitor of the German GmbH, the newly launched entrepreneurial society develops more and more of a success story.

Current figures . to the new form of society, the "Research Project entrepreneurial society" of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Broken down by region can be seen where the number of the registered business companies total there are currently (as of 27.11.2009). 21 180 Entrepreneurial companies registered. The total number of the registered limited partnerships with an entrepreneurial company as general partner amounts to 1,171.

this represents a huge increase, considering that the number of contractor companies such as April this year was still well below 10,000. Apparently it is the German legislator with the introduction of UG managed to meet the demand for a limited liability company with no appreciable minimum share capital.

Source: research project contractor company

Monday, December 14, 2009

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Court of Appeals for the company name of the entrepreneurial society & Co. KG

The Court of Appeal (1 W 244/09) had to decide was whether the company name as a GmbH & Co. KG is also acceptable if the personal liability of the limited only by one or more entrepreneurial companies will be accepted. The 1 Civil Division of the KG came here the following result:

"The company of a commercial partnership" ... GmbH & Co. ... "is not permitted if only contractor companies as defined in § 5 paragraph 1 GmbHG personally liable."

The Senate is here largely on the information needs of the legal affairs:
"From the limitation of liability distinctive name according to § 19 para 2 HGB must indicate what type of society in mind, where the person liable. It is true that the company no longer has the function, the identity of the person to inform the general partners, § 18 para 1 HGB. However, it has to be disclosed for reasons of transparency, corporate and liabilities on the right. "
also lies also a violation of § 18 para 1 sentence 2 HGB, as you can about the company name was likely to mislead, that general partner of the parties a company as defined in § § 4, 5 GmbHG was.

one considers the duty of the contractor company also designated as such (cf. § 5 para 1 GmbHG), ie it appears with the additional business company (limited liability) or UG (limited) to name, so it obvious that under the company of KG are nothing else can. Accordingly, the designation as GmbH & Co. KG, in fact, would be misleading.

link to the decision (via Regional Labour Court of Berlin-Brandenburg in cooperation with juris)

depth review of the verdict Wachter, company name is the business company (limited liability) & Co. KG in: NZG 2009, 1263 et seq recommended.

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How do I lead the English Ltd.. to a German GmbH or UG?

entry into force of MoMiG now is some time passed and many of the investors who have decided before the entry into force of the reform for a UK Limited instead of a German company form want now but again a German GmbH and an entrepreneurial society.

Regarding the question on the way in which this desire can be realized and what to look for in practice, I want the current article by Sebastian Herrler and Dr. Susan Schneider DStR in 2009, 2433 ff ., recommend the title "civil and tax bases with a review Go ahead, come back - - the Limited (top) to GmbH. The authors provide a concise overview of the possibilities of transfer of operations, the steps described in the merger process and will also discuss the particular tax consequences. At the same time explaining the differences between the continuation of a limited liability company or UG. Overall, a successful demonstration of their reading can only be recommended.

Monday, November 9, 2009

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Encounters in Peru

The World of the Indian jungle is for us Europeans, a strange and mysterious world. At the same time a certain fascination for her and so many as "authentic" harmony "and" last paradise ". The world of the Indian is today subjected to a rapid change. While the generation of grandparents still lived in the Stone Age, now used part of the third generation already, the phone and surf the web. The author from 1997 to 2007 Employees of the Mission Work indicamino and had such an opportunity to know many Indians from different tribes of the Peruvian jungle to learn. On the basis of countless encounters he has a few selected to give the reader insights into the world of the Indians.

Books on Demand
ISBN 978-3-8334-9762-9, Paperback, 104 pages
Price: € 10, - (including VAT).

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The author

Jürgen H. Schmidt was born in 1966 in Schramberg Black Forest. After completion of middle school, he first learned the profession of a banker. In 1992 he moved from the banking business in the youth work in a Protestant. Parish. The career change led her to study at a free school for theology and mission.
After completing his theological training and a language course in Spain, he traveled to Peru in 1998. Together with his family, he lived seven years in the Peruvian Amazon basin. He taught there as a teacher at a Bible school for Indians. His service also took him to the villages of various Indian tribes to conduct on-site training.

Photo: Alex Widmer. With permission.

To author page at Books on Demand

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How it all started ...
aquinte First encounters
The Candoshi
The Quechua of Pastaza River
The C
Afterword: Indians in transition

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Chapter 2: First encounters mentioned

earlier, we had our first meeting soon with Shipibo Indians, who knocked on our door as a seller. During a visit to learn the Bible School of the Shipibo Indians in Pucallpa I know more Shipibos. During this time I took the lessons simply as observers. So I got one hand a first insight into the education of Indian ministers, on the other hand, as well as in the behavior of the Indian students. Were particularly striking her shyness and the difficulties they had with the English language. Later, when I taught at, I experienced it time and again that students were very shy. But often, which was only on the context and to the foreign language. If they are then visited in their village, that is in their own environment where they could communicate in their own language, you often do not trust his own eyes. - Was that really the same person? Well, at home she felt "like a fish in water" as they say in Peru.

When I visit the Shipibo Bible School in Pucallpa I met a young Shipibo Indians know, so here is the much less was: Jeis. Ver-probably lay with the fact that he Yarina (in Pucallpa) grew up and attended school in the city. But he is also generally someone the easily make friends and knows all the world. Soon a friendship and Jeis visited us again and again at the mission. When I met him, he still attended secondary school and was sometimes at a considerable identity crisis. This depended very strongly to the fact that his father had left his mother and she remained alone with the children. The hardest part was that his father, the son Jeis always refused, claiming he was from another man when his father was seriously ill later in the hospital, visited him regularly Jeis and asked me to visit his father also. I fulfilled Jeis request and had a very good talk with him. Later it has improved the relationship between Jeis and his father, although there have been occasional setbacks. A tension was always Jeis his identity as a Shipibo Indians, the traditionally non-Indians in the village, but grew up in the city. This earned him a hand, great advantages such as good education and good English. But it lacks much knowledge, a village grew up in the Indian has otherwise indicated.
Despite the low place occupied by Indians usually have in the Peruvian society, Jeis proud Indian to his origin. And he hides them - in contrast to others of his tribe who grew up also in town - not. After the secondary school was trained as a nurse Jeis which he passed with success.
During his school years, he always won competitions and was allowed to make just as representative of the youth traveled extensively throughout Peru. He got people from the most varied areas and layers of Peru know and expanded his horizons considerably. In addition to its use in the Church, he is also very politically engaged and committed, which would have brought him into trouble once almost ...

continued in recent years, Jeis quite an impact on AIDS prevention, because this disease is for the Shipibo Indians to become a threat. It led to this Issue several studies and wrote material and information in
the Shipibo language. In his own initiative he launched projects in Shipibo villages to the public - to inform about the disease - especially young people. I'm curious to see how his life will continue. It would not surprise me if he would one day in the regional government of Ucayali, or even in the Peruvian Parliament Sitting ...

Even in a training course for cross-cultural mission, carried out by FAIENAP, the Federation of Protestant Churches Indians of the Peruvian Amazon lowlands (www.faienap.org), offered further opportunities to come into contact with Indians. In November 1998, this course took place at the mission and they were mainly Indian pastors who attended. Some of these pastors were working as missionaries in other tribal groups. It could be seen moving for me to take what effort it upon himself to bring the Gospel to others. During the course we had a lively exchange about Indian cultures and it became clear that although there are many similarities but also significant differences between the various ethnic groups. These differences include the food. For example, the manatee is a specialty for the Shipibo Indians (the result, almost all ate in their tribal area ...); for Candoshi Indians have is the manatee, but a taboo animal whose meat which does a pregnant woman may come in contact. However, identical behavior is often rooted in a particular case differently. Example, it is often the case that children who come with a malformation of the world are killed. In a minority of this behavior with a strong emphasis on the autonomy of the individual is justified, ie, an ill-educated person is seen as a burden to society. In another ethnic group, this behavior based on the grounds that it was the child of an evil spirit that is not tolerated could be.

revealed during the course, several interesting conversations and meetings with Indian ministers. When we looked at on one evening a film about the life of the China-missionary Hudson Taylor, Tito was one of the participants, very touched and had tears in his eyes. He had also - like Hudson Taylor - loved his first wife very much and they lost quite early. His pain of that was still great, but it did not depend on trust in God and continue to preach his word.

with another Shipibo Indians I had an encounter me a little irritated. He gave me his hand in greeting while, but I looked in the face, but on the other side. How should I interpret that? In our German context that's not very polite. - But I could take my cultural background as a standard? I asked Roger, the head of the course. He is also Shipibo Indians, but married to a mestizo. He explained to me that it is in its culture is an expression of politeness, not the other to look directly in the face, or into the eyes. - I felt that would be many pitfalls ahead of me ...

For the final evening of the Course we practiced up a face-off. As white, of course I had to play the role of a crazy missionary, the so makes all kinds of stupid units, and above all running around with his camera around. We had a lot of fun and of course I took the opportunity to take a picture ...

During our first months at the mission was a Candoshi Indians as an apprentice in the small animal breeding program at the mission. He had a real, typical Candoshi name and was called Mashingashi. There was planned that I would soon make a trip to his tribe, I got into conversation with him and of course wanted to stuff about him and know its culture. Among other things, I asked him how the Candoshi welcome it. He explained it to me. I said to him: "But you give nothing of the hand" - he replied: "Yes we do, we are now civilized" When I came to the Candoshi was of course nothing to do with shaking hands! It's just not part of their culture. But such answers with the emphasis on "Now we are civilized," then I have received quite a lot. It just hangs with the fact that the Indians in Peru are a fringe group and - in ignorance of their culture - are often regarded as primitive savages. cracked Accordingly, the self-esteem many Indians and they are trying through the "Zivilisiertsein" to level. During the trip to Candoshi I even came in Mashingashis village and his father invited us to dinner in his house. Since I lived to see such a civilizing surprise: it was hanging on a line in the house - lined up neatly - several shirts and ties. I felt like Julius Caesar in the film "Asterix in Britain": I came, saw and could not believe my eyes ...!

A few years later there was a situation in Mashingashis life in which he more traditional, "civilized" rather than react. He had a dream in which a Voice told him he should take a second wife. For most Indians - for the Candoshi - dreams have an important meaning. Sometimes it happens that they sit for days at home and ponder on the meaning of a particular dream. Well, Mashingashi took command in his dream very seriously. He tried to take a second wife, and thereby brought in considerable difficulties. His (first) wife was like this, of course, less than enthusiastic, even if it still happens that a Candoshi has two or more wives ...

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meetings in Peru
Jürgen Schmidt
Sulgenerstr. 17
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Source: disclaimer of eRecht24, the portal to the Internet right lawyer Sören Siebert.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

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Mathilda, shipping Draxl in Haren / Ems

Although no ship a Leer-based shipping, but from the environment - from Haren / Ems.
was here this time also incorporated a portrait of the master in the painting.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

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times proceed as currently still others work and I, the project "Leer shipping companies" continue this week still can not go here at least once a maritime Greetings from the studio.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

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Prince Henry

Ostfriesen Zeitung of 09.25.2009, the 100 th anniversary of Prince Henry: After the club already uses for posters and postcards of my famous oil paintings
of Prince Henry, but unfortunately not in possession of the original is
I presented on the occasion of the celebration of the chairman and initiator of the association, Dr. Hofer that in the previous posts
already presented gouache painting of Prince Henry.
accepted with joy and enthusiasm towards the painting, Dr. Hofer and it stuck out of the large number of guests with the words
"This is our marine painter, Mr. Kruse made for us,"
in the air.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

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The finished sheet anniversary of Prince Henry. " This following article from the OZ from 22:09:09:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

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What is Gouache?

of these is a text from Wikipedia, which is really nothing to add:

Gouache (from the Italian guazzo = pool) is a technique with very solid colors consisting of pigments such as chalk and animal hide glue are produced as a binder. The colors are strong and can only really thin - to be used almost like watercolor. The typical gouache colors and opacities can be produced with advantage by layering from dark to light, from blue to yellow. Black may be used. If we should create a watercolor-like effect to dispense with opaque white and white areas cut out to the paper surface. In impasto use of color is used opaque white to brighten up the colors. Since the industrial production of gouache colors, the colors tend to be highly resistant to light.
When drying the bright colors typically over her wet state, thereby meeting the particular colors is difficult. In order to achieve a certain effect, need some practice and technical knowledge of the paint used. Transitions in the color must also be carefully planned, because you can rub the color of the job is not easy, such as in oil painting.
Gouache is water soluble even after drying, part of a final image can be so removed or altered. The paint dries on matte and then shows a velvet-like surface or pastel. In addition, the color of impasto order after the drying is somewhat brittle and therefore it is only suitable for substrates that are little or no flexibility (tightly stretched canvas, wood panels or similar).
gouaches (Mz, for Gouache images) can be covered with varnish to protect the surface from damage. This is not recommended, however, since the varnish by the refraction of light shade changes and significant changes can be caused. In order impasto the varnish penetrates into the different layers of color and produces a patchy and unpleasant-looking surface. In the traditional gouache painting is therefore often used to varnish also to obtain the entire active surface structure.
The first use of gouache-like colors is reserved for the illumination of the early Middle Ages. In painting, this technique was only used in the scenes, flags and decorative painting. Only in the 15 Century artists discovered significant this technology for themselves. Raphael, Titian and Durer used gouache for studies and designs, among others painted their oil paintings with gouache. Important representatives of modern gouache paintings are Henri Matisse, Marc Chagall, Paul Wunderlich and Otto Mueller.
Often Gouache (besides temperature) used for the colored version of sculptures.

addition you can also add important marine artists such as Carl set man, Adolf Bock, Hans Bohrdt, Claus Bergen, Walter and Willy Zeeden Stöwer used for their Marine painting, or for preliminary studies often gouache colors!

Pokemon Dawn Episodes

Again, an intermediate state, some containers have received their label, 2 lifts are done. Here we go into the home stretch.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What Is The Rabbit Game From Millsberry Called

is no longer missing a game a lot - cranes need to be worked out, the containers are now in more detail in the next stages - I think with the next photo I can imagine a finished painting.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

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goes on, now that a little more color, was created by the shapes of the water, I will go myself now as the last of all the fine details - As there are: cranes, captions, body details, anchor, etc.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Piano Sheet Music, The Kiss By Joby Talbot

Well - I can no longer resist, to show it here before: Jewelry Journal of Prince Henry - side view and top supervision, except Few details ready:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

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Today, only a short report - had special reasons to complete the "Itajai Express" put something back.
could I have forgotten almost the hundredth anniversary of Prince Henry - is therefore now more important in work. Can publish the birthday surprise for the Prince Henry yet - otherwise it would it not be a surprise.

Link to Prince Henry, a great steam ship, which is being restored in the port of Leer: Just click on the picture!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Introduction Letter For New Real Estate Agent

From the East Frisian Zeitung, 11.09.09:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

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Now the cranes have already seen a little better and I'm going buy first new brush!
natural hair brush smallest thickness tend to use pretty quickly.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Example For Letter Of Community Service

next - the deck house or the bridge is formed, there is some brush size called 0th

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ca Pastashio Trees For Sale

"Itajai EXPRESS" shipping company Hartmann

As previously announced, now here is a first photo, in Itajai Express work!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How Does Cell Phone Use The Z Transform

In the first post of this blog, I showed a photo of the old port of Leer available information on the Leer-based owner sign, which reads:

your "shipping company flags" grace's space port,
your ships sail the seas of the world.

So here are a photo of the Flag Fen mast of the empty recognized owner, directly on the scale space at the old Ha .

Saturday, July 18, 2009

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new laws in the area of company law

a particularly valuable contribution is found blog in the corporate Legal Notes: (national and Europe) for a clear view of planned legislative changes, together with related materials and practical search function.

Link: rights policy to the company's legal

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Limited in Germany: more withdrawals than applications

I would like to point out the interesting article by Dr. RA Niemann state law (p. 165), with the latest figures for England Ltd. deals in Germany. Not only covered the new registration form from this company continues to steadily but are now also the first time more cancellations recorded as notifications. In addition, the insolvency of the Ltd. increased in April 2009 compared to the previous month by 72.3%. Rightly The author emphasizes here the role of Germany's basement, it had the previous downward trend of Ldt. only exacerbated.

source: in state law, Issue 07-08

Sunday, May 3, 2009

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Thuringian Higher Regional Court on the applicability of the existing capital replacement law

The Thuringian Higher Regional Court (6 U 761/07) also on the applicability of the existing case law rules taken a position: In the opinion of the Court of existing law are coming too the entry into force of the MoMiG then continue to apply if both the granting and repayment of the capital-replacing shareholder loan was made before the 01.11.2008. This corresponds to the outcome of the case law of the Federal Supreme Court (see previous posting inseparable ).

lawyer Dr. Stefan Lammel has made at this point interesting thoughts on a possible further expansion of this law. He starts the idea that the law, it could even be satisfied that only the loan was performed prior to 01.11.2008 (regardless of whether the loan was repaid well before 01/11/2008). Thus the number of "old cases" would, on which the old rules of equity substitution law but its application, then expanded significantly.

An interesting question, and ultimately to the recent judgments in fact, still unresolved question of the applicability of the existing case law rules. In my opinion, such an expansion of the scope should, however, the character of the loan agreement precluding a permanent obligation. Would therefore significantly to the repayment of the loan must be to an end. It remains however to be seen how the case law on this question nor comment.

Link to Urtei l (via Dr. Schmidt Verlag)

Friday, January 30, 2009

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Supreme Court's decision provides clarity: Former equity substitution law, even after entry into force of MoMiG in "old cases" continue to apply

Shortly after entry into force of MoMiG has the Supreme Court (Judgement of 26 January 2009 - II ZR 260/07) in a controversial issue of MoMiG for clarity catered
"The Second Civil Division has now decided that after the wording of that transitional provision the "old" equity compensation law in the form of both the so-called amendment of rules (§ § 32 a, 32 b GmbHG old version) and the so-called law rules (§ § 30, 31 a. GmbH F. analog) to such "old cases" at the entry into force of new regulations insolvency proceedings opened as the then applicable statutory law still applies. "

starting point is the problem that the legislature, the transitional arrangements for MoMiG in the area of capital compensation law has not finally formulated clearly enough. Thus Article 103 d EGInsO that the insolvency proceedings that are opened before the entry into force of the MoMiG on November 1, 2008, "the other previously existing legal provisions use "are.
was expected, interpreted that phrase differently, as the recent case law rules are very judge-made law and no law.

The decision of the Supreme Court is not only due to the creation of legal certainty but also to welcome content, because the legislature has not retroactive . for the analogous prohibition in § 30 para 1 sentence 3 GmbHG arranged also from the perspective of creditor protection is the challenged omission already claims arising from shareholders pleasing

source. press release of BGH