Industry and Commerce (IHK) Bonn / Rhein-Sieg has published the results of a recent survey of founders of the new entrepreneurial society (UG).
"The introduction of the entrepreneurial society (limited liability) is accepted by both founders Page and customer side" , it says. Next were two thirds of the founder of the UG GmbH preferred, one-third have chosen it as an alternative to Limited.
are interesting above all, the results for the start-up procedures: 60 percent of the founders of the new model statutes have used. Thus the objective of the legislature, potential entrepreneurs a quick and easy way is to enable establishing a model constitution, was apparently reached. However, there are fears that this supposedly easier way is often not the best choice from the perspective of shareholders. The model protocol defines only very fragmentary, the legal relations between the shareholders and shall remain - to the specific needs of targeted - important agreements sidelined. An individual partnership agreement may provide the necessary legal certainty and transparency among the partners of the case of other contractual agreements with each other not given very often. The
of Weigend's start-ups rely on the foundation of the basement not to itself, according to the survey had taken place in more than 70 percent of cases, a notarial advice.
has also conducted the survey found that about one third of respondents to reservations on the part of the legal traffic compared to the new legal form, white to report. This is not surprising, because it was expected that the acceptance of the UG - just for banks - would not be much better than the English Ltd..
Another finding suggests the new legislative concept of "saving up" of capital up to the required minimum share capital of the "regular" GmbH: "Almost 90 percent of all surveyed founders are planning a conversion to a GmbH, provided they support the necessary share capital of 25,000 Euro have been saved. "
Source: IHK Bonn / Rhein-Sieg
"The introduction of the entrepreneurial society (limited liability) is accepted by both founders Page and customer side" , it says. Next were two thirds of the founder of the UG GmbH preferred, one-third have chosen it as an alternative to Limited.
are interesting above all, the results for the start-up procedures: 60 percent of the founders of the new model statutes have used. Thus the objective of the legislature, potential entrepreneurs a quick and easy way is to enable establishing a model constitution, was apparently reached. However, there are fears that this supposedly easier way is often not the best choice from the perspective of shareholders. The model protocol defines only very fragmentary, the legal relations between the shareholders and shall remain - to the specific needs of targeted - important agreements sidelined. An individual partnership agreement may provide the necessary legal certainty and transparency among the partners of the case of other contractual agreements with each other not given very often. The
of Weigend's start-ups rely on the foundation of the basement not to itself, according to the survey had taken place in more than 70 percent of cases, a notarial advice.
has also conducted the survey found that about one third of respondents to reservations on the part of the legal traffic compared to the new legal form, white to report. This is not surprising, because it was expected that the acceptance of the UG - just for banks - would not be much better than the English Ltd..
Another finding suggests the new legislative concept of "saving up" of capital up to the required minimum share capital of the "regular" GmbH: "Almost 90 percent of all surveyed founders are planning a conversion to a GmbH, provided they support the necessary share capital of 25,000 Euro have been saved. "
Source: IHK Bonn / Rhein-Sieg