Thursday, February 25, 2010

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one in England already deleted Ltd.. be sued in Germany?

The Court of Appeal (8 U 34/09) has dealt with the question whether an English Ltd.. following its removal from the register in English society Germany yet a party to continue. This question is of practical significance, since many of the investors fail to meet its disclosure obligations under English law because they are only active in Germany and do not adhere to strict deadlines, the extent of British trade register at Companies House. In particular, many shareholders and directors of uncertainty as they have to create the English accounts, so this will not be filed or clearly too late.

The KG came to the following conclusion: "A company incorporated under English law is limited to the quantity required by English law and carried out quenching resolution Chain at home no longer passive party to when at home has no assets. "

the Court explained that had the termination of a company because of the cancellation in the Register of Companies under English law means that existing assets of the company by way of legal occupation under sec 654 CA 1985 to the English crown to go. which is, however, affected by the principle of territoriality only property situated in England assets of the company, not assets abroad. Insist therefore continue overseas assets situated, remain despite the Cancellation and dissolution of the Ltd. the rest of society as a society in Germany . There In that regard, they will lodge a party to the meaning of § 50 ZPO. in this particular case the court but denied the existence of assets in Germany.

practical consequence is therefore that the deletion in England does not cause the Ltd.. now in Germany no longer a party to, if it still has assets situated in Germany. This may also often be the case in practice, as some members fail to meet their disclosure obligations while, but still in Germany Ltd's business operations. still continue.

is a summary of the Court itself in the GmbHR 2010, R69-R70.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dental Collection Letter For Payment

Overview of the Reform of Company including entrepreneurial society (free pdf)

About can be a 23-page - very clear - post to download the main changes of the GmbH and the new entrepreneurial society UG.

For those who want to get a first glance: pdf-link

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right of shareholder loans in Poland

In the current issue of WiRO (Economics and Law in Eastern Europe) the lawyer Maciej Miedziejko deals with the title " shareholder loans in the Polish company law "p. 41 ff with the legal consequences of the shareholder financing.

The author first shows the differences and similarities German § § 32a, 32b and the Polish GmbHG Article 14 § 3 of the Polish law on commercial societies. Other than - so far - the German law, the Polish legislator from the start right form for a comprehensive collection of shareholder loans has decided. Thus Article 14 § 3 depends not only on the limited liability but also to the Polish public company. Other differences exist as regards the addressees and the fact that the Polish legislator submits only loans and similar acts to special treatment.
Then the author examines the basis of critical groups of cases (payment of the loan after the onset of insolvency, Restitution already paid loans, third-party intervention, etc.) relevant in the Polish practice issues. In particular, the problem of privileging the other - from the statutory provision in Article 14 § 3 is not scheduled - set out to understand financial instruments and argues for a comparable acquisition cost of financing. A point of the problem has always been critically discussed in German law and now, despite the (partial) statutory provision in § 135 para 3 InsO still in flux.

An interesting article which shows once again that the problem areas of the special treatment of shareholder loans in a similar manner in other jurisdictions are discussed.

about some of the issues that arise under the provision for capital utilization, is also recently published a new essay in the GmbHR 2010, p. 179 ff appeared.