Sunday, January 30, 2011

Great Four Word Sayings

Alice in Wonderland - DVD

Alice in Wonderland

CONSTITUTES Mia Wasikowska
; Johnny Depp
                      Helena Bonham Carter
                      Anne Hathaway
                      Crispin Glover

Director: Tim Burton

Music: Danny Elfman

My view of things

Tim Burton, well, so I have so manchesmal my problems. But then when I hear exactly into me, then I discover time and again that he one or has made another film, which was sustained stick in my memory. And so this time

The story of "Alice in Wonderland" there was now truly been to many a film adaptation. You would think since there is not much new can come along. Sure, the special effects are obviously much more mature now, but the story remains the same. A fallacy and yet not. It first runs all of Schedule F, which is the usual "Alice in Wonderland". But the film holds a few surprises at the end and I was excited before the credits and found me in my still-fresh memory of the strip, both in the familiar world of Alice, and again in a whole new adventure.

The obvious favorite actors from Tim Burton, Johnny Depp that is allowed to shine once again with his skill. In addition, gave other known actors such as Helena Bonham Carter, Crispin Glover and Anne Hathaway their best. A special surprise was the completely unknown to me until then Mia Wasikowska. I watched her play with real enthusiasm and look forward to further evidence of her abilities as an actress.

Overall, I was selected as the audience under the spell of this film, especially by the colorful, almost fairytale-like images and the never failing supply. 108 minutes in a dream world, which we found all known and yet again could re-create. was supported

the scene clearly by the excellent background music of the inimitable Danny Elfman. A master of his craft.

And now I wish everyone interested in a lot of fun while enjoying this colorful spectacle.



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